Another fantastic show! To Listen: CLICK HERE!
Here is a recipe for Civil War Hardtack...
2 cups flour
1/2 tablespoon salt (optional)
1/2 to 3/4 cup water
Preheat oven to 250 degrees F. Combine flour with salt in a mixing bowl. Add water and mix with hands until the dough comes together. Roll out on a table to about 1/3 inch thickness. Use a knife to cut 3×3 squares from the dough. Place on baking sheet, and use a dowel (see note above) to make 16 evenly-spaced holes in each square. Bake for at least four hours, turning over once half-way through baking. Cool on a rack in a dry room.
I have made this before and it's fun to make with the kids...easy too. If you want to get a little non-historical with it...add some cinnamon OR garlic!
We talked about bug out bags, fire starting tinder and two way radios as well.