I had a dream last night and woke up thinking about a few things. I am haunted by dreams on a somewhat regular basis. Years ago there were a couple of friends of mine who on different occasions tried to encourage me with unnecessary words and comments. It changed my mindset to fear and worry. That being said, sometimes the only encouragement people need from a friend is assurance you are there for them and that you are praying for them. Just because you think what you are about to say is encouragement doesn't mean it necessarily is
Growing up my mom made the best tacos I had ever tasted. As I grew older I began making them myself. I have a high standard when it comes to tacos.
The she'll must not be burned and the flavor has to be mouth watering. I walked in to Amigo Bakery on tenth street and OMG! Let me tell you peeps their tacos, enchiladas, Chile rellenos, and everything they cook is delicious. I felt like home. I highly recommend you all try it you will be in for a fantastic treat. 5 out of 5. With much love! God bless I was somewhat overwhelmed by work school and trying to fit my workouts in. I decided to take one step back and evaluate my time. In my mind the day was to short and there simply wasn't enough time. I was quickly proven wrong. I discovered I was really just wasting my time and not using it wisely. I eliminated several things I was wasting time on and much to my surprise 😱, I have managed to fit the important things in my schedule.
I have plenty of time to workout to do homework and the best part is it does not take away any time from my babies. Time is precious and the time spend with loved one's priceless. Stepping back and evaluating my daily routine was the best thing I could have done. With much love God bless. Adan Garibay I stumbled on to some old pictures of my daughters today. It's amazing how much time has passed. I remember their first steps, their first words and the first time they each called my Daly; not daddy, Daly. For the life of me I cannot explain their speech. Both of them had this Boston sort of accent. It was hilarious to here them speak. They've outgrown it now and I am now daddy not daly. Those pictures brought a great smile to me.
I leave you with this final thought, no matter how difficult or impossible a situation is the Lord will always find a way to bring you peace and in some cases a big smile. With much love God bless. Adan Garibay You haven't lived until you have eaten space ice cream. It's available at the space museum gift shop. This movie was very cute. Great family entertainment. Never give up on your dream was the drive of the story. Highly recommended for younger viewers. Jokes were kid friendly, an over all 5 out of 5 stars. Adan Garibay This is Michael Shinabery.. Getting ready to do his pre-April Fools' Day show. Special guest that day was Jason Curtman, host of the nationally syndicated Jason Curtman show. Life's roller coaster of emotions and circumstances can at times be overwhelming. Sometimes we are on top of the world, other times we feel like the world is on top of us. When we are at the top, the days are brighter, our outlook is happier and our attitude is on point. Then the down slope comes. We start to fall at what seems like 100 miles an hour. Our brakes don't work and there doesn't seem to be a way to take control. It is then when we need to realize that the one who made us has far greater power than that down hill slope we are facing. And he has one awesome braking system. Psalm 91:14-16 "Because he loves me," says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, to he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation." The NIV Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids, MI, U.S.A.: Zondervan Bible, 1985. Print With much love God bless, Adan Garibay I took my daughter to see the new Batman vs Superman movie yesterday. This movie was awesome, the trailers that were shown lead you to believe something different than what the movie is. Brilliant! I refuse to spoil it for you great people but believe me the end result and the entire direction this film takes is awesome. I give it 5 out of 5 stars.
-- Adan Garibay Jerky, Candy, Coffee, Salsa, Soda...and so much more!
Dr. John Paul Stapp (July 11, 1910 – November 13, 1999) earned the title "The Fastest Man Alive" when he rode the Sonic Wind I rocket-propelled sled on December 10, 1954 to a land record speed of 632 mph in five seconds. He sustained the greatest G-forces endured by man in recorded deceleration tests up to that time, 46.2 Gs, when the sled stopped in 1.4 seconds. |
THE BASIN BLOTTERJust a little bit of local attractions and fun! ![]() Adan Garibay, Contributor
Jason Curtman,
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November 2016