Good evening Sports fans! The City Commission meeting will start at 6:30 pm
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
If you want to see the Agenda and Agenda book for tonights meeting, it's at this link:
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
Couple of hot items on the agenda tonight, #9 is the $15,000.00 bonus for Dr Straface, the Interim City Manager that resigned over making unauthorized changes to the the Family Fun Center RFP...
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
#10 is the Family Fun Center bids themselves based on the correct instructions by the commission...
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
And #11 is ANOTHER water bill lein that will likely be waived by the commission. The question there is how many of these bill does the city atty's office mess up and require the commission to drop the lien per year? And how much is it costing the city in wasted efforts, and lost money?
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
All of the commission is here, we'll get started in about 30 sec
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
What's awesome about this is that these kids are so young and did so well! I don't even remember when I was that young!
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
Now for a presentation to the outgoing Financial director LeAnn Nichols
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
Here's a quick pan of our audience before the Family Fun center issue ends and everyone leaves...
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
Looks like quite a few folks were here for the two presentations. Here's another pan while we're listening to the city managers report...
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
This is about the $15,000.00 bonus to Dr Straface
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
And the commission has tabled his bonus for now. We're now going into the discussion about the Fmaily Fun Center
rjmerrick (2 days ago):
Did I hear Nadia say Straface was their employee and it is their decision to what to pay him?
rjmerrick (2 days ago):
Last I checked it will still be taxpayer money that pays the bonus
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
Rich, your right, but the contract is specific. If they do what is required i won't care
rjmerrick (2 days ago):
I hear you on the contract up to 15,000 could mean 0 when he went against the commissions wishes IMHO that threw it all out the window
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
I wouldn't penalize him for the last thing that he did. He was with us for a long time and did some great things. THe problem is when the commission ignores it's own contracts and does whatever they want.
rjmerrick (2 days ago):
Gotcha on that and I get exactly what you are saying
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
rjmerrick (2 days ago):
HOORAH Susan way to go
MSgtChez (2 days ago):
rjmerrick (1 days ago):
NO NO Erica
MSgtChez (1 days ago):
I disagree. A committe of citizens that can tear this apart would show that the city is open to the concept. THe tirck would be to get unbiased opinions
MSgtChez (1 days ago):
As expected the motion went to White Sands
MSgtChez (1 days ago):
The commission voted 7-0 for white sands construction
rjmerrick (1 days ago):
At least it is moving forward
MSgtChez (1 days ago):
And we're adjourned into exec session Good night all